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New York Historical Manuscripts: New York Historical Manuscripts : Dutch. Volumes XVIII-XIX. Delaware Papers (Dutch Period). a Collection of Documents Pertaining to the Regulation of A (Paperback)

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New York Historical Manuscripts: New York Historical Manuscripts : Dutch. Volumes XVIII-XIX. Delaware Papers (Dutch Period). a Collection of Documents Pertaining to the Regulation of A (Paperback)
Product Description

In 1655 the Dutch took over New Sweden which had been partially settled as early as 1638 and renamed those Swedish settlements New Amstel. Nearly ten years later in 1664 Holland would surrender control of the entire region of the Delaware to England. This volume comprises translations of all records pertaining to the Delaware region while it was under the control of the Dutch as well as translations of certain other documents pertaining to the region while it was in the hands of the Swedes. With this volume which contains the only reliable translation of the Delaware Papers published to date we at last have an established text for the early Dutch records pertaining to the administration of the Delaware region.

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