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Pre-Owned Getting Rid of Gout: A Guide to Management and Prevention (Paperback) 0195537483 9780195537482

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Pre-Owned Getting Rid of Gout: A Guide to Management and Prevention (Paperback) 0195537483 9780195537482
Product Description

Gout is now the most treatable and preventable type of arthritis yet one percent of the population still suffer from repeated attacks and the condition remains surrounded by myths and incomprehension. Bryan Emmerson a leading world authority on nephrology specialising in gout provides a complete background to an understanding of gout - an understanding that he argues is central to its prevention and treatment. Writing in lucid accessible prose he traces the condition from Hippocrates to the late twentieth century covering every aspect of gout likely to concern its victims from biology to management and prevention. All the popular fallacies about the nature and causes of gout are discussed and subjected to scientific examination yet in a way that is fully comprehensible to non-scientists. Is gout really a male-only problem? Does it only afflict the over-weight and middle-aged with extravagant tastes in food and drink? Should one never drink again once one has had gout? What effect does it have on life expectancy? How important is diet? The book ends with a chapter covering these issues and more and offering practical sympathetic advice. For those with a disease that can cause life-long suffering So You ve Got Gout presents a path to better health and to the complete prevention of gout and its complication. Bryan Emmerson a world authority on nephrology specialising in gout has written the first book on gout for a lay readership. Using non-specialist accessible language Emmerson covers every aspect of the condition from its biology and variations to ways of managing and preventing gout. Along the way he explodes many fallacies surrounding the causes of gout.

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October 25, 2024

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