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Medistyp Powder with Benzocaine Stops Bleeding & Pain Fast - Choose From 3 Sizes (.5 oz)

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Product Name
Medistyp Powder with Benzocaine Stops Bleeding & Pain Fast - Choose From 3 Sizes (.5 oz)
Product Description

MediStyp Pet Styptic Powder with Benzocaine - Stops Pain and Bleeding FAST! Necessary for Pet Owners - Veterinarians, groomers and pet owners will benefit from having styptic powder available Blood Stop for Nails - If you trim the nails on your pet and cause a nick, the MediStyp powder will stop the bleeding quickly Meets Standards - MediStyp powder product meets or exceeds all of the Professional Pet Groomers and Stylists Alliance standards Application Process - Use a clean moistened applicator to apply the power to the cut and then apply gentle pressure Infection Reduction - The styptic powder works to keep the cut clean and reduce the possibility of infection One item pet owners should have in their emergency first aid kits is MediStyp Pet Styptic Powder with Benzocaine. This blood stop powder simplifies the ability to stop the bleeding from minor cuts or a nick from a nail trimming. It's extremely easy to use, making it a great option for use at home. To use the styptic powder, just apply the blood stop powder with a clean moistened applicator or dip the affected nail in the jar of powder. Then apply gentle pressure until the bleeding stops. Choose Any Size. *If you do not see your desired option, search for the item by copying the main title and paste into Walmart's search bar*

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Last updated
February 24, 2025

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