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Powerblanket TH330 Tote Storage Heater

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Product Name
Powerblanket TH330 Tote Storage Heater
Product Description

Powerblanket has changed the conventional method of transferring heat to storage totes. This revolutionary design provides uniform heat throughout the tote thus eliminating hot and cold spots. Powerblanket products provide a maintenance free heating solution which eliminates the headache of maintaining critical temperatures. If stored properly chemicals and industrial products will last longer and be more effective. In turn this saves time hassle and money.Specifications Adjustable temperature from ambient to 145º F | 62º C (+ - 5º F/3º C) Provide an insulated full-wrap design Deliver uniform heat to temperature sensitive products Preserve expensive materials without scorching or burning Prevent waste by maintaining consistent temperatures Certified to UL/CSA/CE standards Dimensions - 174 L x 56 W in. Item Weight - 45 lbs. Plug Type - 15 Amp Plug Voltage - 120 Volts. - SKU: PWBK037

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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