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Pre-Owned An Introduction to Music in Early Childhood Education (Paperback) 0766863034 9780766863033

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Product Name
Pre-Owned An Introduction to Music in Early Childhood Education (Paperback) 0766863034 9780766863033
Product Description

This text prepares childcare providers to meet the responsibility of musically nurturing young children. After being led to understand the importance of musically nurturing children in this age group students are taught to nurture children at various stages in early childhood. The unique developmental characteristics of these stages are examined and are the basis upon which activities are planned. Specific activity examples are given that help the student learn to sing move play and listen to music with young children. In addition to the main text a supplement helps the student gain an understanding of basic musical elements and terms. This is meant to help students feel more comfortable with music so they are not hesitant to lead children in the discovery of this creative expression.

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Last updated
October 26, 2024

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