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Syracuse University: Syracuse University: Volume V: The Eggers Years (Hardcover)

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Syracuse University: Syracuse University: Volume V: The Eggers Years (Hardcover)
Product Description

Drawing on more than one hundred personal interviews--including Chancellors Corbally and Eggers and the current chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw--historian John Robert Greene has crafted a highly readable work on the history of Syracuse University. This volume the fifth in the series focuses on the administrations of John Corbally (1969-71) and Melvin A. Eggers (1971-91). Corbally came into office during a sweeping national student revolt and the black power and civil rights movements. He faced a series of crises in rapid succession. In February after two short years Corbally resigned. Greene shows how Melvin Eggers building upon Chancellor William Tolley s success and the administrative improvements begun under Corbally stewarded Syracuse University through its economic crisis to establish it as one of the leading institutions in the country. Greene examines Eggers s management style his financial plan his physical and academic expansion of the university s undergraduate institutions and the financing and building of the Carrier Dome. He provides a compelling account of student life and controversies during the late sixties the seventies and the eighties and details the growing importance of sports for the university.

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March 4, 2025

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