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Pre-Owned Universal Design for the Home: Great Looking Great Living Design for All Ages Abilities and Circumstances (Paperback) 1592533817 9781592533817

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Universal Design for the Home: Great Looking Great Living Design for All Ages Abilities and Circumstances (Paperback) 1592533817 9781592533817
Product Description

Universal Design (UD) is coming of age. Once a home design specialty that was little known of limited interest and a source of embarrassment more than pride it is attracting widespread media attention and taking on (as befits its name) almost universal appeal -- and with good reason. The concept emerged years ago out of the need to make homes safe and accessible for the elderly the handicapped and the very young. Some of the design options were good-looking but others seemed institutional. Today there are so many stylish beautiful good-sense universal-design options that choosing them has become a why not? rather than a why? decision. Universal Design for the Home features a blend of beautiful projects creative ideas and substantive planning information. Highly visual the book features projects showing room contexts as well as detail shots. The mix of projects encompasses small and large houses; one-story and multi-story houses; and ideas for general accessibility and comfort as well as some targeted more directly at handicap accessibility. There is an emphasis on remodeled projects but new homes designed with an eye toward accessibility -- present and future -- are included as well. Chapters cover the spectrum of accessible home planning from room arrangements to kitchens baths entries and exterior areas. The book displays fresh inspiring design ideas as well as must-have good-sense solutions such as wider doorways. Basic specifications how-to tips and other technical content are featured throughout the book in easy-to-find boxes and sidebars.

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October 26, 2024

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