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Pre-Owned How to Build an Igloo: And Other Snow Shelters (Paperback) 0393732150 9780393732153

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Pre-Owned How to Build an Igloo: And Other Snow Shelters (Paperback) 0393732150 9780393732153
Product Description

How can you determine if the fresh snow that s fallen outside your front door is as good for making a slab shelter as a snowman? What is a slab shelter anyway? For that matter what are drift caves spruce traps snow block walls and bivy bag shelters and how would you go about building them whether for winter fun or protection from the weather? In this instructive whimsical illustrated manual Norbert E. Yankielun a seasoned cold-regions explorer and researcher takes readers step-by-step through the process of constructing and inhabiting a range of useful snow structures--from the most basic to the more complex. Whether you re a veteran backcountry skier or a backyard builder this is one book you won t want to be without.

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December 4, 2024

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