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Bright Starts Playful Paradise Vibrating Baby Bouncer Unisex Newborn +

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Product Name
Bright Starts Playful Paradise Vibrating Baby Bouncer Unisex Newborn +
Product Description

This bouncy seat helps your curious kiddo play and practice motor skills. The silly monkey and friends will spin up sweet smiles as baby reaches to bat and spin the tropical toys hanging from above. Peek-a-boo I spy a baby-safe mirror on the other side of the spinning monkey! Introduce baby to their own reflection with this surprise & delight toy. A deep comfortable seat non-slip feet and a 3-point harness make this baby bouncer a safe spot for playtime. That means you have more hands-free moments with baby securely seated in view. Help keep baby calm and content with the bouncy seats soothing vibrations. Easily remove the toy bar with one hand when you need to scoop up your baby after playtime. When you re on the move simply lift on each side when baby is not in the bouncer to move from room to room. Unisex Newborn +.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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