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American Poets Continuum: Desire Museum (Paperback)

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Product Name
American Poets Continuum: Desire Museum (Paperback)
Product Description

Consumed with the accumulation of lost time and unfulfilled longing Desire Museum by Danielle Cadena Deulen is an intricate exploration of things left unfinished or unsatisfied. Divided into four sections and shaped by female-identified embodiment Desire Museum touches on lost love and friendship climate crisis lesbian relationships and the imprisonment of children at the U.S.-Mexico border. These poems trace the pleasures and pitfalls of sex the anxieties of motherhood and the ramifications of interpersonal sociopolitical and environmental trauma in women s lives. In these pages Deulen holds up a candle to desire itself questioning what it means to recognize and embrace one s desires or what it might mean to let them go. In conversation with Hopkins Keats Crane and Lorca Deulen seamlessly weaves memories into dreamscapes and blurs the human and natural worlds. With love wonder grief and awe Desire Museum shows us that to live alongside desire is to refuse to be contained: I refuse meaning [ ] the first sunrise reiterates the last.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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