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Star Wars 3.75 Battle Pack Assortment - Gelagrub Patrol

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Product Name
Star Wars 3.75 Battle Pack Assortment - Gelagrub Patrol
Product Description

From the ManufacturerClone troopers ride gelagrubs to patrol the fungal forests of Felucia. Also known as Felucian ground beetles gelagrubs are easily domesticated in their larval form to be used as mounts. Republic forces invade Felucia to free it from the control of the Separatists and capture the Commerce Guild’s headquarters located on the planet. Gelagrub: These docile creatures have adapted to the ultraviolet sunlight that bathes the planet. Clone Trooper: Troopers battle the droid army among enormous fungal lifeforms that cover the planet. Bring the battles to life with this awesome action figure two-pack. Set your articulated Clone Trooper figure on top of the Gelagrub figure to send them off in search of enemies where only this fearsome-looking creature could carry them. These two make for intimidating characters even when they’re just standing at attention in your collection. Clone Trooper figure comes with weapon accessories.

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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