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The Hunger Games: A Teaching Guide 1930820003 (Paperback - Used)

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Product Name
The Hunger Games: A Teaching Guide 1930820003 (Paperback - Used)
Product Description

Each literature teaching guide for the Hunger Games trilogy is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and includes strategic reading lessons that focus on both the individual volume and the series. There are over 50 separate strategies in the series for deeper understanding and meaning. In addition to lessons that focus on the standard elements of literature (plot characterization setting and mood theme diction style and narration) students are provided with the Choice Analysis Tool to help them gain a deep understanding of motivation in a complex and terrorized society. They are also offered the opportunity to use historical documents (e.g. the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence) as well as other works of literature and poetry to contextualize the trilogy. Each book also includes Writer s Forums that guide students in writing while using the books in the series as a backdrop. A vocabulary feature in the final volume provides word study ideas for the entire series.

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Last updated
September 15, 2024

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