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Moving Your Aging Parents: Fulfilling Their Needs and Yours Before During and After the Move (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Moving Your Aging Parents: Fulfilling Their Needs and Yours Before During and After the Move (Hardcover)
Product Description

Will you be ready when it s time...? Whether whittling down to the essentials for a parent moving into a room or two or downsizing for ourselves ignoring the spirit and basing decisions on health and safety alone could have devastating results. In this hope filled book you will learn how to: Identify needs and desires to create a quality new life Cope with the Depression Era mind-set Create emotionally sustaining environments to nurture the soul Ready and sell the family home Ask the RIGHT questions to help divest of treasures Manage your energy and spirit throughout the process Determine when it s time to consider alternative placement Perform the ordinary in a non-ordinary way -- allowing you to preserve and heal family relationships Expert s Acclaim for Moving Your Aging Parents A creative and inspiring godsend for helping Mom and Dad transition to the next phase of life. Valuable for caregivers healthcare professionals and seniors interested in aging with independence dignity and grace. --Jacqueline Marcell author Elder Rage host of Coping With Caregiving radio show What a truly remarkable and elegantly written book. The information is relevant for every relocation regardless of the age or circumstances of the client. --Sally B. Yaryan Director Professional Development & Education; Austin Board of REALTORS (r) As a thirty-five year plus veteran of health care practice as a Registered Nurse specializing in the care of the elderly I offer my heart-felt endorsement of this excellent book. It offers concrete plans to follow and emphasizes the emotional and spiritual counterparts that transform seemingly difficult chores into acts of mutual joy growth and love. --Mary Durfor for Rebecca Reads Learn more about this author at From the Aging With Grace Series at Loving Healing Press

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March 7, 2025

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