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Pre-Owned The New Enchanted Broccoli Forest: [A Cookbook] (Paperback) 1580081266 9781580081269

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Pre-Owned The New Enchanted Broccoli Forest: [A Cookbook] (Paperback) 1580081266 9781580081269
Product Description

This second volume in Mollie Katzen s classic cooking series features over 200 vegetarian recipes and a bounty of kitchen guidance from one of America s dearest cookbook authors. Mollie first revised ENCHANTED BROCCOLI in 1995 adding lighter easier-to-prepare versions of her signature recipes plus a selection of new dishes and techniques. As with MOOSEWOOD this new edition of ENCHANTED BROCCOLI is a companion volume to Mollie s new TV series and features 16 pages of color food photography plus 5 new recipes and a new section on making fresh pasta at home. Available in January 2000

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October 26, 2024

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