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Clitics in Greek: A minimalist account of proclisis and enclisis (Hardcover) by Marios Mavrogiorgos

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Clitics in Greek: A minimalist account of proclisis and enclisis (Hardcover) by Marios Mavrogiorgos
Product Description

9789027255433. New condition. Hard cover. Pages: 294. 294 p. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 160. Intended for professional and scholarly audience. This monograph investigates the morpho-syntactic and other properties of clitic pronouns in Greek and offers a grammar of proclisis and enclisis in light of Chomsky s (1995 2001a 2005) Minimalist Program. It explores the nature of clitics as syntactic topicalizers which are probed by structurally higher verbal heads to which they move and into which they incorporate morpho-syntactically. A theory is advanced according to which cliticization derives from syntactic agreement between (the phi-features of) a clitic pronoun and a phase head v* in the case of proclisis and CM in the case of enclisis. Incorporation of the clitic into its host is argued to depend on two factors i.e. the fact that the clitic only contains a subset of the features of its host and the fact that the edge of the host is accessible. Also the syntax of strong pronouns and their relation to clitics of negated imperatives of surrogate imperatives and of free clitic ordering in Greek enclisis are also discussed. This monograph would appeal to syntacticians and morphologists as well as to those interested in Greek and more generally in clitic syntax.

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March 4, 2025

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