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Creole Feast TFK3001 30 Qt. Turkey and 10 Qt. Fish Fryer Boiler Steamer Kit with Marinade Injector

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Product Name
Creole Feast TFK3001 30 Qt. Turkey and 10 Qt. Fish Fryer Boiler Steamer Kit with Marinade Injector
Product Description

Get together and enjoy frying a Thanksgiving turkey crispy seafood and fish for family celebrations and friends’ visit with Creole Feast® TFK3001 30 Qt. Turkey and 10 Qt. Fish Fryer Boiler Steamer Kit! One kit solves all the hassle! It delivers 2-in-1 feature of deep frying or just steaming or boiling with water. Simply draw marinades and distribute them throughout the turkey and start your deep fry journey. With temperature thermometer to check the oil temp instantly you can easily catch the right moment to fry your turkey or fish into crispy golden brown let’s begin to host a grand Thanksgiving feast right now.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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