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Make Animal Sculptures with Paper Mache Clay: How to Create Stunning Wildlife Art Using Patterns and My Easy-To-Make No-Mess Paper Mache Recipe

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Make Animal Sculptures with Paper Mache Clay: How to Create Stunning Wildlife Art Using Patterns and My Easy-To-Make No-Mess Paper Mache Recipe
Product Description

If you ve always wanted to create life-like animal sculptures but you think it s too hard or too expensive you re in for a very pleasant surprise. This book contains step-by-step instructions and over 250 photos to guide you through the enjoyable process of making your first animal sculptures with the all-new paper mache clay recipe. Make your clay in just 5 minutes using inexpensive ingredients. There s no tedious layers of torn paper and paste and no mess. Plus the patterns included in each chapter help make your sculptures perfectly proportioned from the very start. Creating life-like animal sculptures has never been so easy or so much fun!

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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