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Outdoor TV Cover 50 to 52 Inches Universal Weatherproof Protector - Black

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Product Name
Outdoor TV Cover 50 to 52 Inches Universal Weatherproof Protector - Black
Product Description

Whether you decide to put a television on a patio an outdoor deck or by the pool this KOHMO GEAR TV cover provides all season protection for your valuable flat panel TV. Engineered to withstand the harsh conditions from the tropical north down to the cooler south you can rest easy knowing your TV is protected all year round against dust insects UV Rays ice and condensation with a television cover. Our television cover is made of a unique material that allows it to breathe whilst keeping out water wind and moisture. What this means is that mould and moisture does not build up underneath the cover due to the change in the ambient temperature or humidity. As a result your TV is not damaged and rendered inoperative due to sweating . A softer internal lining and a handy remote control pocket means you have the ideal cover to enable your TV to be protected 365 days a year! Protect your television to ensure your equipment is ready to use at any time - in winter or summer!

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Last updated
December 11, 2024

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