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Advance Player: High-Low-Split Poker Seven-Card Stud and Omaha Eight-Or-Better for Advanced Players (Paperback)

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Product Name
Advance Player: High-Low-Split Poker Seven-Card Stud and Omaha Eight-Or-Better for Advanced Players (Paperback)
Product Description

The third book in the For Advanced Players series. It is really books 3 and 4 for two reasons. First many of the concepts are similar for both games. Second players mastering one game can easily make the transition to the other. Some of the ideas discussed in the seven-card stud eight-or-better section include starting hands when an ace raises disguising your hand on third street play on fourth street fifth street sixth street seventh street position bluffing staying to the end and scare cards. Some of the ideas discussed in the Omaha eight-or-better section include general concepts position low hands high hands your starting hand how to play your hand play on the flop multiway versus short handed play scare cards getting counterfeited and your playing style. A great deal of this material has never appeared in print before.

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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