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Curious George TV Curious George: Dinosaur Tracks/Jorge El Curioso Huellas de Dinosaurio: Bilingual English-Spanish (Paperback)

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Product Name
Curious George TV Curious George: Dinosaur Tracks/Jorge El Curioso Huellas de Dinosaurio: Bilingual English-Spanish (Paperback)
Product Description

George is taking pictures of wild animals and their tracks for his photo collection. While looking for the fawn his friend Bill spotted he finds an unusual set of tracks. George thinks he has discovered dinosaur footprints--which would make the perfect addition to his collection! In hopes of getting a photo he attempts to lure the dinosaur with food but quickly remembers that some dinosaurs are not friendly. Eventually George discovers the real culprit behind the tracks and it s not what he expects! Para completar su colección de fotografías Jorge saca fotos de animales salvajes y de las huellas que dejan. Mientras busca al ciervo que vio su amigo Bill encuentra unas huellas poco comunes. Jorge cree que ha descubierto huellas de dinosaurio ¡lo que sería perfecto para su colección! Con la esperanza de obtener una foto intenta atraer al dinosaurio con comida. Pero enseguida recuerda que los dinosaurios no son muy amigables. Finalmente Jorge descubre al responsable de esas huellas ¡pero no es lo que espera!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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