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First Aid Only 196-piece Worksite First Aid Kit

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Product Name
First Aid Only 196-piece Worksite First Aid Kit
Product Description

Quickly treat injuries with this first aid kit that is designed for contractors fleet vehicles work sites or small companies with up to 50 employees. Plastic case features a carrying handle for easy transportation and can be mounted on the wall for convenient access. Kit meets federal OSHA recommendations and carries 20 critical products. Items include adhesive plastic bandages absorbent gauze compress gauze dressing pads conforming gauze roll bandages sterile eye pads first aid tape roll triangular sling/bandage latex-free elastic bandage antiseptic cleansing wipes triple antibiotic ointment packs aspirin tablets instant cold compress exam-quality gloves scissors (nickel-plated) tweezers (plastic) eyewash insect sting relief pads CPR Pack (rescue breather CPR one-way valve faceshield exam-quality gloves and antiseptic wipes) and first aid guide.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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