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Olympian Labs Mega Omega-3 Fish Oils Epa/Dha 120 Sgels

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Product Name
Olympian Labs Mega Omega-3 Fish Oils Epa/Dha 120 Sgels
Product Description

Want a fish oil supplement that's tested for mercury and produced from cold-water fish? Then try MEGA Omega-3 Fish Oils from Olympian Labs. This formula delivers 530 mg of EPA and 340 mg of DHA per serving. Olympian Labs' Omega-3 Fish Oils are obtained from fish found in cold, deep water. These fish provide more of the omega-3 factors than other fish. Essential fatty acids are found in high concentrations in the brain, and are essential for nerve conduction and brain function. Studies demonstrate that EPA and DHA positively support areas like overall cardiovascular health and may play a role in promoting mental and emotional wellbeing.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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