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Childhood and Adolescence in Society: Selections From CQ Researcher (Paperback)

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Product Name
Childhood and Adolescence in Society: Selections From CQ Researcher (Paperback)
Product Description

About CQ Researcher Readers In the tradition of nonpartisan and current analysis that is the hallmark of CQ Press CQ Researcher readers investigate important and controversial policy issues. Childhood and Adolescence in Society aims to promote in-depth discussion facilitate further research and help readers formulate their own positions on crucial issues in the field such as child soldiers teen pregnancy and violence and bullying. Offer your students the balanced reporting complete overviews and engaging writing that CQ Researcher has consistently provided for more than 80 years. Each article gives substantial background and analysis of a particular issue as well as useful pedagogical features to inspire critical thinking and to help students grasp and review key material. Key Features Pro/con boxes that examine two competing sides of a single question Detailed chronologies of key dates and events Annotated bibliographies and web resources Outlook sections that address possible regulation and initiatives from Capitol Hill and the White House over the next 5 to 10 years Photos charts graphs and maps

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December 9, 2024

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