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Captain Marvel: First Contact Tpb (Paperback) by Peter David

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Product Name
Captain Marvel: First Contact Tpb (Paperback) by Peter David
Product Description

9780785107910. New condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. Contains: Illustrations. Captain Marvel 1. Captain Marvel is one of the Marvel s Universe s original celestial super-heroes. Captain Marvel was re-introduced to fans in the pages of the hit 99 series Avengers Forever which became an instant classic. From the pages of the hit Avengers Forever comes an instant classic: Captain Marvel. Son of the legendary Mar-Vell Genis continues the legacy left by his Kree-warrior father. There s a catch though since Genis shares a body with Rick Jones longtime Avengers ally. Only one of them can exist on Earth at any given moment. Hijinks ensue! Rick is trying to figure out what his life holds for him. He s trying to work things out with his estranged wife Marlo and trying to understand what it means to be a hero. Genis on the other hand is trying to acclimate to Earth Rick and a world full of dangers. Will this unlikely duo be able to get along long enough to save the world??

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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