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Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices Number Fields Curves and Cryptography Book 44 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices Number Fields Curves and Cryptography Book 44 (Paperback)
Product Description

Number theory is one of the oldest and most appealing areas of mathematics. Computation has always played a role in number theory a role which has increased dramatically in the last 20 or 30 years both because of the advent of modern computers and because of the discovery of surprising and powerful algorithms. As a consequence algorithmic number theory has gradually emerged as an important and distinct field with connections to computer science and cryptography as well as other areas of mathematics. This text provides a comprehensive introduction to algorithmic number theory for beginning graduate students written by the leading experts in the field. It includes several articles that cover the essential topics in this area and in addition there are contributions pointing in broader directions including cryptography computational class field theory zeta functions and L-series discrete logarithm algorithms and quantum computing.

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September 15, 2024

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