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Changing Vessel: Into Thine Image My Holy Lord Jesus (Paperback)

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Product Name
Changing Vessel: Into Thine Image My Holy Lord Jesus (Paperback)
Product Description

Changing Vessel is a continuing journey into the sanctification process every Christian must go through. It highlights new insights into the Word of God keeping strict adherence to the Word. How does the presence of the thought of the truth that Lord Jesus is alive affect our daily lives? How should it affect our daily lives? It should at the very least bring peace and joy; if one is born of the Spirit the Prince of Peace inside your heart peace and joy should almost be tangible properties that other people can partake from you. The kind of peace that comes from knowing and walking in the Word and trusting in Lord Jesus Christ is all encompassing. The point of Changing Vessel is that Lord Jesus words even from two thousand years ago still apply if you put them in today s perspective. There should be peace and joy in our lives knowing that we are loved and that we will never be forsaken by Father God. We should be comforted knowing that all those who believe in Lord Jesus and obey God s Word will have an Eternal Home in Heaven.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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