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Walking Through the Valley of the Shadows of Death (Paperback)

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Product Name
Walking Through the Valley of the Shadows of Death (Paperback)
Product Description

Anyone who has ever played an organized sport knows that in order to beat your opponent you not only need to have a good team and proven skills but you also need to have a game plan or strategy BEFORE you enter the game. The same is true in the game of life and this is especially true with regards to those situations that look like they could ruin you financially emotionally physically or spiritually. A lot of self-help books offer you prosperity training or financial planning training but very few if any offer you training on how to prepare-for-the-worst that could come your way. This book I believe will offer you a game plan in this area of preparing yourself for life-threatening and life-changing situations. A specific game plan that I use that has worked to prepare me to get through those worst-days-of-your life is simple and has only four parts to if. 1) Develop a Life Perspective as soon as you can. 2) View the situation in its proper perspective. 3) Use all of the knowledge and truth of your Christian faith to see the reality of the present situation to take proactive steps to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually to carry you through the valley of the shadow of death . 4) Stay focused in time of trouble by learning and following the steps of how to deal with the End of Days moments.

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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