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Information Security and Cryptography: The Block Cipher Companion (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Information Security and Cryptography: The Block Cipher Companion (Hardcover)
Product Description

Block ciphers encrypt blocks of plaintext messages into blocks of ciphertext under the action of a secret key and the process of encryption is reversed by decryption which uses the same user-supplied key. Block ciphers are fundamental to modern cryptography in fact they are the most widely used cryptographic primitive - useful in their own right and in the construction of other cryptographic mechanisms. In this book the authors provide a technically detailed yet readable account of the state of the art of block cipher analysis design and deployment. The authors first describe the most prominent block ciphers and give insights into their design. They then consider the role of the cryptanalyst the adversary and provide an overview of some of the most important cryptanalytic methods. The book will be of value to graduate and senior undergraduate students of cryptography and to professionals engaged in cryptographic design. An important feature of the presentation is the authors exhaustive bibliography of the field each chapter closing with comprehensive supporting notes.

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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