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Contemporary World Issues (Hardcover): Women in Developing Countries: A Reference Handbook (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Contemporary World Issues (Hardcover): Women in Developing Countries: A Reference Handbook (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book provides a much-needed survey of the discrimination and violence against women in developing countries and identifies the literature and resources available about this topic. Because of improvements in communication technologies the West has become increasingly aware of horrific examples of ongoing discrimination and violence against individual women in developing countries. As a result more attention is being paid to the gender bias and hardship that women in developing countries face in their everyday lives and the importance of these women in economic development and the alleviation of poverty is starting to be recognized. Women in Developing Countries: A Reference Handbook addresses topics like the status of women in developing countries; their access to education health care and the political process; their legal status; the extent to which they are considered property; female genital mutilation and other harmful practices; and other timely issues. This book also provides statistical information data on selected nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other organizations set up to improve the lives and advance the status of women and sources of further information in print and nonprint media.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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