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Mindfulness in Plain English: 20th Anniversary Edition (Paperback)

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Mindfulness in Plain English: 20th Anniversary Edition (Paperback)
Product Description

A masterpiece. --Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness in Plain English was first published in 1994 is one of the bestselling -- and most influential -- books in the field of mindfulness. It s easy to see why. Author Bhante Gunaratana a renowned meditation master takes us step by step through the myths realities and benefits of meditation and the practice of mindfulness. The book showcases Bhante s trademark clarity and wit as he explores the tool of meditation what it does and how to make it work. This book is: A best-selling introduction to mindfulness Full of practical advice on developing a meditation practice Written in approachable clear language Containing chapters on loving-kindness and concentration The reader can gain deeper understanding inner peace and clarity through meditation practice with the thoughtful guidance of this classic book. Written for those without any meditation background but also an essential handbook for established students Mindfulness in Plain English is a must-have for anyone exploring the benefits of Buddhist meditation. This expanded edition includes the complete text of its predecessor along with a new chapter on cultivating loving kindness an especially important topic in today s world. For anyone who is new to meditation this is a great resource for learning how to live a more productive and peaceful life. The you that goes in one side of the meditation experience is not the same you that comes out the other side. --Bhante Gunaratana in Mindfulness in Plain English

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March 4, 2025

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