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Mini Yorkie Realistic Lifelike Stuffed Interactive Plush Toy Electronic Pets Companion Pet Puppy with 100% Synthetic Fur – Perfect Petzzz

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Product Name
Mini Yorkie Realistic Lifelike Stuffed Interactive Plush Toy Electronic Pets Companion Pet Puppy with 100% Synthetic Fur – Perfect Petzzz
Product Description

Perfect Petzzz interactive Mini Yorkie gives you all the companionship benefits of caring for domesticated animals without the cumbersome and pricey upkeep. It lets you experience the perks and warmth of our interactive pooch minus all the responsibilities. Elderly and young children alike will love our oh-so-adorable pooch. Each interactive Yorkie offers the relaxing lifelike pleasure of owning a pet. Its synthetic fur is handcrafted to look and feel real. It is mainly created to bring you joy. You can pet its soft synthetic fleece and hair and feel a genuine loving interaction. When you press its tummy it will snore for about 5 seconds – repeat as needed. Take it with you anywhere you go. Our Mini Yorkie makes a great alternative for real pets especially in senior communities such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities. You can take it to the office too. Keep it at non-pet-friendly residences such condominiums and college dormitories. Our cuddly puppy makes a great gift too! In the Mini Yorkie set you’ll find a luxurious bed and a single-use battery (good for up to 300 presses).

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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