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Drive Medical AGF-300 Swivel Seat Cushion

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Product info

Product Name
Drive Medical AGF-300 Swivel Seat Cushion
Product Description

Drive is... One of the fastest growing major manufacturers and distributors of durable medical equipment in the home healthcare medical/surgical and rehabilitation markets in the United States. We have manufacturing and distribution facilities located throughout the United States as well as in the United Kingdom Germany China Taiwan Romania and Canada and market our 2 500 products throughout the world. Our Mission... Is to manufacture and market world class products which focus on innovation functionality and value to improve the quality of life and to promote independence for the individuals that use our products. Swivel seat allows individual to turn up to 360 degrees. Makes getting on or off a seat or chair easy and comfortable. Durable and stable with an 800 lb. Weight Capacity. Portable: weighs only 3.25 lbs. 15 5/8 diameter. 1 Year Limited .- SKU: DRM466

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Last updated
December 10, 2024

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