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EISCO 114 Piece Organic Chemistry Molecular Model Student Set with Case

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Product Name
EISCO 114 Piece Organic Chemistry Molecular Model Student Set with Case
Product Description

EISCO organic chemistry molecular model set is used for scientific study and contains 114 plastic pieces representing 50 atoms and 64 links for hands-on learning 12 black carbon atoms 4 holes 20 white hydrogen atoms 1 hole 6 red oxygen atoms 2 holes 4 blue nitrogen atoms 4 holes 4 green halogen atoms 1 hole 2 yellow sulphur atoms 6 holes; 4 holes 1 purple phosphorus atom 4 holes 1 gray metal atom 1 hole 26 gray links 28.0mm 12 gray links 43.0mm and 26 white links 28.0mm.The links are used to construct single double and triple bonds to create a variety of structures and can be detached with a removal tool included. The set has a plastic four-compartment box for storage and detailed instructions for ease of use. The box measures 28.0 x 19.0 x 4.0cm L x W x H. L is length the horizontal distance from left to right; W is width the horizontal distance from front to back; H is height the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point. The set is suitable for high school or college students or ages 14 to 21. Science education products incorporate applied math and science principles into classroom and homeschool-based projects. Teachers in pre-K elementary and secondary classrooms use science education kits and products alongside science technology engineering and math STEM curriculum to demonstrate STEM concepts and real-world applications through hands-on activities. Science education projects include a broad range of activities such as practical experiments in engineering aeronautics robotics energy chemistry physics biology and geology. EISCO Scientific manufactures and supplies lab equipment for education and industry. The company founded in 1968 and headquartered in Rochester NY meets International Organization of Standardization ISO standard 9001 2000. Whats in the Box? 12 black carbon atoms 4 holes 20 white hydrogen atoms 1 hole 6 red oxygen atoms 2 holes 4 blue nitrogen atoms 4 holes 4 green halogen atoms 1 hole 2 yellow sulphur atoms 6 holes; 4 holes 1 purple phosphorus atom 4 holes 1 gray metal atom 1 hole 26 gray links 28.0mm 12 gray links 43.0mm 26 white links 28.0mm Link removal tool Instructions SKU:ADIB009KSHF9M

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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