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Discovery™ RC Dragon Smoke Breathing Pet Toy Infrared Remote-Controlled Walking and Flapping Wings Light Up Dragon Roars and Growls

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Product Name
Discovery™ RC Dragon Smoke Breathing Pet Toy Infrared Remote-Controlled Walking and Flapping Wings Light Up Dragon Roars and Growls
Product Description

Shoot out a blast of smoke (Non-toxic water mist) to make any toy battle more exciting and engaging. Watch as children s excitement grows when they can control such a powerful gesture from the palm of their hands. The wireless infrared controller makes this beast easy to control for everyone. Two large buttons control movement and clearly defined center buttons enable actions like growl roar and smoke breath. The dragon automatically flaps its wings with every step as it realistically walks around. It features authentic roars and growls to intimidate its prey and scare off predators

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Last updated
December 14, 2024

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