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Pre-Owned Strange Imaginary Animals (CD 0735131909426) by Eighth Blackbird

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Strange Imaginary Animals (CD 0735131909426) by Eighth Blackbird
Product Description

0735131909426. Pre-Owned: Good condition. CD. At first glance the album Strange Imaginary Animals may look like a whimsical musical menagerie perhaps an avant-garde update on Carnival of the Animals; but this 2006 release from Çedille is more intellectually demanding and esoterically puzzling than its improbable title and cover art may suggest. These six colorful works for chamber ensemble are gathered together ( unified is too rigid a term) around a rather elusive concept -- the imagination -- and each piece forces the listener to think creatively about its possible meanings however arcane or absurd. Take for example Jennifer Higdon s Zaka (2003) a dynamically rhythmic tour de force in which the performance and its reception are influenced by its name and definition: za-ka (zô kô) v. To do the following almost simultaneously and with great speed: zap sock race turn drop sprint. Or consider Gordon Fitzell s Violence (2001) which is a surprisingly delicate and quiet piece that explores the underlying aesthetics of violence instead...

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Last updated
February 10, 2025

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