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Swanson Saw Palmetto/Astaxanthin Prostate Complex 200 mg 60 Softgels

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Product Name
Swanson Saw Palmetto/Astaxanthin Prostate Complex 200 mg 60 Softgels
Product Description

Swanson Ultra Saw Palmetto/Astaxanthin Prostate Complex represents the latest breakthrough in prostate health maintenance. This special formula features a blend of astaxanthin and a lipid extract of saw palmetto berries that has been shown in in-vitro studies to provide potent cellular-level protection for prostate tissues. This powerful combination delivers unprecedented protection for prostate tissues--more than could ever be achieved with regular saw palmetto extracts. If you re a man over 45 make our Saw Palmetto/ Astaxanthin Prostate Complex part of your daily nutritional plan and give your prostate protection inspired by science and nature. Emerging research also suggests that astaxanthin can promote exercise performance and recovery so you can maintain your healthy lifestyle.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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