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Aquatop Canister Filter 4 Stage UV 370GPH Super Quiet Vortex Easy Prime for Aquariums up to 125 Gal all media included CF400 UV MKII

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Aquatop Canister Filter 4 Stage UV 370GPH Super Quiet Vortex Easy Prime for Aquariums up to 125 Gal all media included CF400 UV MKII
Product Description

AQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UVThumbnail Filmstrip of AQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UV ImagesAQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UVAQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UVAQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UVAQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UVAQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UVAQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UVPurchase AQUATOP CF-400UVMKII Canister 370 GPH Filter 4-Stage w/ Vortex Prime & 9W UVThe CF400-UV has become a very popular canister filter for the price and performance. The new and improved CF-400UVMKII now has Vortex Prime Secure-mount Fittings and an optional Surface Skimmer! The 370GPH 3+1 filtration system is ideal for fresh and saltwater aquariums ranging in size from 75 gallons to 125 gallons. The integrated 9-watt UV sterilizer helps keep your aquarium healthy and crystal clear. The CF400-UV defies its low price because it comes equipped not only with a UV sterilizer but all the necessary plumbing for installation and includes three large filtration media compartments allowing you to add the filtration media of your choice. The filtration media trays offer a fully customizable filtration system to suit your specific aquatic needs. The CF400-UVMKII includes three fine filter pads (white) and a single coarse filter sponge (blue) for enhanced mechanical filtration. With the included AquaTop Premium Activated Carbon Ceramic Rings and Bio-Balls you ll achieve superior filtration and crystal-clear aquarium water. The CF400-UVMKII Canister Filter has two convenient Priming options that eliminate the need for manual siphoning! Say good bye to a mouth full of aquarium water!!!

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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