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Bar Jack

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Product info

Product Name
Bar Jack
Product Description

The Bar Jack is perfect for the single-arm athlete. �The jack�lifts�the bar to allow the plates to move on and off without being impeded by the floor. �Rated for 600#. � Wheelchair users will also benefit. �Holding the barbell up and placing weights can be a struggle.� Olympic Lifts are�hard don't make it harder. �Spend your energy on the workout. � The Bar Jack is perfect for every athlete. �Throw it in your gym bag and enjoy�your next barbell workout. � � *Shipping internationally Equip Products, Inc. is NOT responsible for duties and taxes and the payment to Equip Products, Inc. �does not include duties and taxes. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to pay and settle with the appropriate Country.�

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Last updated
September 14, 2024

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