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Westek MLC162NB Indoor Motion-Sensing Light Control White 1-Pack

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Product Name
Westek MLC162NB Indoor Motion-Sensing Light Control White 1-Pack
Product Description

The Westek MLC162BCNB Motion-Sensing Light Control is perfect in laundry rooms garages basements attics or any area where you need light. Lights will automatically turn on as you enter eliminating the need to fumble for a switch in the dark. The control detects motion in a 120-degree radius and within 20 feet when mounted 8-feet above the ground. Easy installation screw the sensor into any existing light socket then install a lightbulb of choice into the control. Lights automatically turn off 10 minutes after motion is no longer detected. Compatible with compact fluorescent LED or incandescent bulbs up to 75 Watts.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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