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Westek OMLC163BC Motion Activated Light Control CFL Halogen Incandescent LED Lamp 150 W White

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Product Name
Westek OMLC163BC Motion Activated Light Control CFL Halogen Incandescent LED Lamp 150 W White
Product Description

Or worrying about your home being vacant while you re on vacation. Don’t worry about forgetting to turn the light off it auto-turns off 10 minutes after the last motion is detected. The device uses sensor technology to automatically turn lights on when movement is detected essential for unoccupied vacation and rental properties. Installation is straightforward please read the enclosed instructions to assist with installation and troubleshooting. 150 W max. The light control device works with your outdoor lighting and is ideal for outdoor floodlights porch lights driveway and pathway lights. It is compatible with LED compact fluorescent halogen and incandescent floodlights and detects motion up to 20 feet away. The device requires no seasonal adjustments unlike timers. Installation is very straightforward please read the enclosed instructions to assist with installation and troubleshooting. 150 W max.

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Last updated
March 12, 2025

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