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Oxford Handbooks The Oxford Handbook of the History of Medicine (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Oxford Handbooks The Oxford Handbook of the History of Medicine (Hardcover)
Product Description

The Oxford Handbook of the History of Medicine celebrates the richness and variety of medical history around the world. In recent decades the history of medicine has emerged as a rich and mature sub-discipline within history but the strength of the field has not precluded vigorous debates about methods themes and sources. Bringing together over thirty international scholars this handbook provides a constructive overview of the current state of these debates and offers new directions for future scholarship. There are three sections: the first explores the methodological challenges and historiographical debates generated by working in particular historical ages; the second explores the history of medicine in specific regions of the world and their medical traditions and includes discussion of the `global history of medicine ; the final section analyses from broad chronological and geographical perspectives both established and emerging historical themes and methodological debates in the history of medicine.

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December 15, 2024

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