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Sliquid Naturals Sea Lubricant, Water-based, Liquid 2oz

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Product Name
Sliquid Naturals Sea Lubricant, Water-based, Liquid 2oz
Product Description

Sliquid Naturals Sea is a water-based and water soluble personal lubricant, blended with hand selected natural seaweed extracts, each of which provides an added boost for your health. Carrageenan, while also being one of natures most effective natural lubricants, has also been shown in some studies to reduce the transmission of HPV (Human Papilloma virus). Wakame is a seaweed that contains B vitamins, and reduces inflammation and improves elasticity in your skin. Nori is an algae that prevents oxidation of the skin and is a very effective natural moisturizer. Together, these natural extracts of the sea blend with our Naturals H2O lubricant, to provide a slippery, sensual lubricant with the natural healing properties of the sea.

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Last updated
March 1, 2025

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