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Kalee Tractor & Loader Pedal Riding Toy

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Product Name
Kalee Tractor & Loader Pedal Riding Toy
Product Description

It's not quite a John Deere, but the Kalee Pedal Tractor with Loader Riding Toy - Green makes a good start for a child. The pedal-powered riding toy comes with a working front loader, an adjustable seat, front and rear trailer couplings, ackermann steering, and enclosed chain drive. This green play tractor pedals in both forward and reverse with rubber traction strips. Minor adult assembly required. Recommended for ages 3 and up. Weighs 22 pounds. Dimensions: 47L x 18W x 24H inches. About Big Toys USA Big Toys USA is an exclusive U.S. distributor for high-quality ride-on toys from Spain, Germany, China and Italy, along with a complete line of American-made rideable toys. Big Toys represents Fisher Price Power Wheels, Big, Injusa, Kid Trax, Mini Motos, Feber, NPL, Evo Powerboards and Toys Toys. Big Toys focuses on quality, safety, value, and most of all, Big Fun.

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Last updated
February 20, 2025

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