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Better Reading: Better Reading English: Improve Your Understanding of Written English (Paperback)

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Product Name
Better Reading: Better Reading English: Improve Your Understanding of Written English (Paperback)
Product Description

Sharpen your language skills while you send your knowledge of American culture The more you read in English the greater your knowledge of the language and of the culture of its native speakers. The short articles in Better Reading English reflect real-life contemporary issues and situations that will help you understand more about American English and the people who speak it daily. Each chapter features articles that cover a specific topic with each subsequent piece becoming more challenging as the section progresses. These engaging texts come from everyday sources so you get a contemporary snapshot of the culture of the American English-speaking world from the natural world to urban life and from the early United States to modern technology. The exercises that follow each article will help the development of your language skills such as: ● Using word formation cognates and context to determine meaning ● Understanding idioms and artistic expressions ● Improving your speed in reading English Better Reading English will not only help you improve or revive your language skills but will also open up the enjoyable and exciting world of reading in English.

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Last updated
December 19, 2024

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