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Pre-Owned Forest Rain (CD 0096507715028) by Dean Evenson

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Forest Rain (CD 0096507715028) by Dean Evenson
Product Description

0096507715028. Pre-Owned: Good condition. CD. Dean Evenson s love for nature is embodied in his musical work which blends natural sounds with his free-form compositions. The natural sounds of Forest Rain trace a journey following the rivers and streams up the mountain to the very heart of the old growth forest. Soft rain falls in the deep forest. Distant thunder merges with the call of the spotted owl and songs of a myriad of lifeforms. Lush music reflects the multilayered richness of an ancient forest grove. Dean Evenson plays native and silver flutes and keyboards and is joined by Dudley Evenson on harp and handharp d Rachel on harp Cha-das-ska-dum (Kenny Cooper) drumming and chanting and others... ~ MusD Rovi

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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