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Olive wood Jewish Mezuzah engraved and ornamented with Laser (5 inches)

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Olive wood Jewish Mezuzah engraved and ornamented with Laser (5 inches)
Product Description

Comes with Waling Wall and Jerusalem old city panorama engraved with Laser and engraved with Laser the word Jerusalem in English and Hebrew. Very meaningful and beautiful Mezuzah case from Jerusalem. Scripture Parchment Included ( non-kosher ). The Mezuzah has always been both a device for remembrance by the Jewish people and a means of identifying the Jewish dwelling as a place where God is honored and revered. The mezuzah is affixed on the doorpost on the right side of the door at about eye-level (about one third of the way down from the top of the door). It is always inclined slightly inwardly (because even God s Word bows before the Creator). In order to increase the mnemonic value of the Mezuzah one is placed on the entrance of every door in a house (except those for closets and toilets).

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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