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Erotic Novels Box Set Collection (Paperback)

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Erotic Novels Box Set Collection (Paperback)
Product Description

This one contains the following books: Total Erotic Recall Beatrice (The Shemale) and Hell s Gate. TOTAL EROTIC RECALL is a place where virtually anything can happen. In this virtual world one can succumb to the pleasures of the mind in a way that the real world cannot compete. Join our tales to see what might be possible in the not too distant future. BEATRICE (THE SHEMALE). How do you explain to your girlfriends that you re also capable of being their boyfriend? Beatrice has been hiding her secret all through her teen years until the day that all her parts start to function as they should. No longer can she hide away her male part when it keeps popping up at the most inconvenient times. When her best friends find out they can t resist teasing her into action. What was once her greatest fear has now become her greatest pleasure. She s on a whirlwind of discovery with her girlfriends and even complete strangers manage to get in on the action. When her doctor finds out that she s not alone that she s one of three young women that have this condition a shocking discovery will be made that will forever change their lives. HELL S GATE Courtney s sexual appetite awakens as she uses her skills as a psychic to cleanse an old house. Her abilities and private parts are stretched to the limit when a demon uses her body to satisfy his lust. His cohorts along with her colleagues and friends join the party and that s when all Hell breaks loose. All characters depicted are 18 or older. Enjoy

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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