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Effortless Weight Loss: The Ayurvedic Way Kshirsagar Suhas

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Effortless Weight Loss: The Ayurvedic Way Kshirsagar Suhas
Product Description

A Whole-Life Approach for Reaching and Sustaining Your Ideal Weight Most diet plans start by telling you what kind of foods you should or shouldn?t eat. Effortless Weight Loss begins by asking who you are what your body needs and how you can naturally move toward the weight that is healthiest for you. Now Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar presents a two-session audio program on the Ayurvedic way to reach and sustain our ideal weight. Here he offers the proven?and enjoyable?approach to weight loss that he has taught to thousands in his own practice and through The Chopra Center featuring: Vata pitta and kapha?how your Ayurvedic body type reveals your personal health needs Kindling and nurturing agni?how our inner digestive fire processes nourishment from both food and emotional experiences From ama to ojas?Ayurvedic wisdom for cleansing the physical and spiritual aspects of our body Practices for mindful eating superfood tips periodic fasting methods and much more ?One size fits all? diet programs leave us feeling run down and out of balance with our weight unchanged. ?Ayurveda gives us a complete plan to achieve our ideal weight ? teaches Dr. Kshirsagar. ?Cravings for unhealthy foods disappear. Sedentary habits give way to enthusiasm for vibrant life.? An ideal practice-based companion to his book The Hot Belly Diet Effortless Weight Loss gives you all the tools to create a personalized mind-body-spirit approach for reaching your weight loss goals.

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Last updated
January 14, 2025

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