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Sweet Street Chocolate Peanut Butter Stack Dessert Bar 2.63 lbs (8 Count)

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Product Name
Sweet Street Chocolate Peanut Butter Stack Dessert Bar 2.63 lbs (8 Count)
Product Description

Moist and delicious the Sweet Street Chocolate Peanut Butter Stack is a perfect addition to gourmet meals. Made with quality ingredients it is light and fresh. This 8-slice brownie cake is layered with peanut butter milk chocolate and caramel sauce for optimum flavor. It is topped with honey roasted peanuts for the desired crunch. The Sweet Street bulk rectangular cake is ideal for patisseries concession stands and diners. Sweet salty peanut butter crunch creamy milk chocolate and buttery caramel all layered twice on a Brownie cake hybrid.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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