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Third Eye Open: The String Tribute to Tool (CD) by Vitamin String Quartet

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Product Name
Third Eye Open: The String Tribute to Tool (CD) by Vitamin String Quartet
Product Description

0027297863521. New condition. CD. String Tribute to Tool features a number of string performers interpreting some of the esteemed heavy metal band s best-known songs. While the transition from heavy metal to strings may seem like an awkward leap in the minds of many Tool s music makes the leap surprisingly well. It s the band s somewhat covert emphasis on dynamic song structures and progressive motifs rather than metal clichés that makes this transition seem so effortless. Anyone with a taste for Tool s more superfluous moments should find this album particularly interesting. It s an album that definitely acknowledge s the band s high-brow elements. ~ Jason Birchmeier Rovi

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Last updated
February 24, 2025

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